
Whois Paper pursues trust, eco-friendliness, and technology.

Trusted Company

It is a reliable company that has been with numerous partners for over 20 years. Most of our partners with Whois Paper’ have been with us for more than 10 years.

We promise to always remain a reliable company.

Trusted Company

Eco-friendly company

It is a company that puts the environment first, which has been certified as “eco-friendly” by the Ministry of Environment. All papers of'Whois Paper' are harmless to humans and are recyclable paper.

We promise to always put the environment first

Eco-friendly company

Company with technical skills

Since 1999, it has received more than 100 awards and 20 certifications in the technology sector.

We promise to provide the best products with the best technology.

Company with technical skills
CEO MESSAGE Thank you to everyone who loves Whois Paper.

Hello. This is Gil-dong Hong, the representative of Whois Paper.

As it is now, reliable, eco-friendly,
We will be with you as a company with technology.

Thank you for loving our “whois paper”

CEO Gil-dong Hong